Beter Uit Holiday parks
Waar gaat jullie vakantie naartoe?
Waar gaat jullie vakantie naartoe?
Waar gaat jullie vakantie naartoe?
Waar gaat jullie vakantie naartoe?
Waar gaat jullie vakantie naartoe?



Beter Uit holiday parks does everything to give you a successful and beautiful holiday. Of course you are aware of the coronavirus. The situation surrounding the coronavirus changes every day. We sincerely hope that the period in which we are now will be over soon.

We follow the news closely from hour to hour and follow the advice and directions given by RIVM and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In addition, we maintain intensive contact with our managers at the parks, who follow the advice and instructions on site.

You can trust Beter Uit holiday parks in that we take appropriate measures when in doubt about the safety of our guests.

Our compassion and prayers go out to those directly or indirectly affected.

We trust that we have informed you sufficiently. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Beter Uit holiday parks: 088-3100 580.

For answers to frequently asked questions, click here.